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Earth Tag

Earth Tag


Size:M20 to M90 and ½ NPT to 3” NPT

Material: Brass BS2870

Application: Earth Tags are used between Cable gland entry and equipment to provide earth bound connection. Earth Tag produces earth bound connection for electricity continuation.

Optional: Earth Tags are also available in different plating like Nickle, Chrome, Tin. We are also able to supply earth tag with screw and washer.

Dimesion Chart in MM

Gland Size "H” "OD" "L" "A" For Screw "H" Without Screw "H"
M20 29.25 48.00 29.25 M6 6.75
M25 37.00 57.50 36.00 M6 6.75
M32 44.00 69.75 46.75 M6 6.75
M40 53.00 78.00 54.00 M6 6.75
M50 64.25 90.75 65.50 M6 6.75
M63 79.50 117.00 86.00 M6 6.75
M75 96.35 133.50 97.15 M6 6.75
M90 113.75 159.75 114.50 M6 6.75